Abstract green lines

Flying design,
Bison-solid Code.

We are Flying Bisons' development team. Based in Warsaw, Poland.


Developing withwith business needs in mind.

We develop websites, web apps, e-commerce, and mobile apps, and the key to making them work is collaboration.

Our dev team works very closely with UX designers. Only that can ensure the exceptional, fast and secure user experience we always provide.

  • 200+

    successfully delivered products
  • 6+

    years on the market
  • 4,9

    clients’ ranking on Clutch


Developing for theBiggest Clients Worldwide

List of clients logos
Apart logoMoonie logoPolpharma logoABRSM logoNationale Nederlanden logobiedronka logo
Eobuwie logoCinema City logoSanofi logoDaimler logoPark of Poland logoPorownego logo
Dominos logoPZPN logoEnel-med logoAMG logoMc Donalds logoPanattoni logo
PWC logoZain logoKFC logoIKEA logoNC+ logoGetin bank logo
Telemedico logoDevSkiller logoBank Pekao logoempik logobooksy logoHatch logo
Roche logoHebe logoPWN logoKompania Piwowarska logoOmnibus logoNa Temat logo
Team photoTeam photo




We run our projects on Jira, so the Clients always have access to the project we're working on for them. And they're not just a silent audience of our work. They are a part of it every step of the way. We use Agile Technologies to plan our tasks at hand, and every week or two, we set up meetings with our Clients to adjust to what they need.



The quality of our products is our point of pride. Our websites, web apps, and mobile apps are most of all user-oriented. We test our work during the Production and Maintenance phases. Each test we do – functionality, performance, responsiveness, and usability – gives us insights into the product and its potential customers and leads to high-quality work.



As you can see above, we take care of our Clients and our products. We also want to ensure that everything stays top-notch, just like it was in the beginning. For that reason, we offer our services (SLA) of maintaining apps and infrastructure 24/7. We provide such service for Park of Poland. We shaped the entire digital customer experience for Park of Poland and designed and implemented their complex e-shop platform. Now we are responsible for maintaining its quality and efficient functioning.







Back-end technologies

Rabbit MQ
Rabbit MQ

What we do

Every process has to start somewhere, and when it comes to development, we begin at the end. Back-end systems are what makes a website or an app work. Our back-end developers can create and implement all systems: from the most basic CMS, through very popular e-commerce, to major, dedicated domain-driven-design systems. And if you let them - and we do - they can integrate a wide array of solutions all at once. The back-end development team also ensures that the products we deliver to our Clients are thoroughly tested and complete. They do thanks to back-end technologies such PHP, SQL/MongoDB, Redis, and Rabbit MQ.


Front-end technologies


What we do

Have you heard of the term “pixel-perfect”? Our front-end developers certainly did. We ensure that any web browser displays the images as they were designed to be: flawlessly. Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, we can turn any design into the User Interface (UI) graphic design. We take advantage of various tools and libraries such as Webpack, Typescript, and ESLint.

To build our Front-End, we use React, a powerful JavaScript library. Facebook maintains React, and we find it to be the perfect tool to create dynamic web applications. The programme allows the developer to build an app from small, reusable components, which speeds up the implementation process. We also enjoy the strong community within the most loved JS library, Virtual Dom, as it grants us a wide range of ready-to-use tools and packages. Of course, we also use other libraries such as Context API with Hooks, Redux, and Saga.


Mobile technologies

React Native
React Native

What we do

While all the tools we use are a great help, our experience makes it work so well. When we are asked to create a mobile app, we use our knowledge of ReactDOM technology, and we produce them using React Native. Whether we're asked to make the app work for Android or iOS, we build apps that ensure an outstanding user experience.

Team PhotoTeam Photo

Have business in mind?
Let's talk!

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Flying Bisons Sp. z o. o.Prosta 2000-850 WarsawVAT ID: PL 836 18 61 288
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